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Learning Targets

Students will:

  • Read a text or watch an informational video.
  • Either write or verbally share three statements - two true statements and one fib, or read three statements that are provided.
  • Think about each statement and determine which one is false.
  • Provide evidence to support their answers.



  • To engage family members of all ages, encourage students to read newspaper articles or books, or even watch videos in their native language and share what they learned by having them guess the fib.
  • Provide students with a telephone number they can call in order to join in the lesson or review, regardless of their internet capabilities. It will help them feel connected, especially if their internet is non-existent or unstable.
  • Purposefully communicate with families so they understand the focus of the lesson is to engage with details of the text or video in order to avoid misunderstandings about the student’s fib. 

How To

Before Activity:

  • Identify texts or informational videos for students to learn from.
  • Determine whether to have students write their own statements or provide statements for them.
  • Create examples of two true and one false statements to share with students as a model.
  • Plan method to share the document for the activity.


During Activity:

Synchronous Setting 

  • Share the focus or topic with the students and provide a link to the related article or video.
  • Provide time for students to read the article or watch the video.
  • Explain that students will write three statements- two true and one false using information they learned. They may also read three statements provided to them and determine which statement is false. 
  • Share a document and provide time for students to write their statements or read previously written statements.
  • Once all statements are read or written in the shared document, students will take time to read each statement and initial which ones they think are true and which ones they think are the false statements, the fibs.

Asynchronous Setting 

  • Share a text or a video for students to watch, or provide suggestions for the text or videos that students can read/watch to get the information for their statements.
  • Share an example of three statements, including the identification of the false statement, and include evidence. 
  • Students write or read three statements based on what they learn, two true/factual, and one false.
  • Invite students to share their statements via online communication.

Quick Tips

  • If all students are able to use the same text or video, ask them to cite specific evidence proving the true statements.

Evidence of Success

  • Students compose or read three statements, following the format of two true and one false and include information from a text/video.

Watch Out!

  • Students' opportunities for discussion may be with family members who speak a language other than English. Be careful not to place a higher emphasis on English conversation.

Support Suggestions


  • Provide a text at the appropriate reading level, or encourage students to watch a video.
  • Some students may need the text read to them which can be sent to them as a video or during an online meeting.
  • Meet individually with the students online, or schedule a phone call to pre-teach important vocabulary words that contribute to understanding the text or video.



  • Provide sentence stems in advance for students to share their thoughts verbally or in writing such as “I think this is true because ___.”


  • Challenge students to write 2 true statements and 1 false statement about another text they have read or video they have seen.